The Morphology of Mud

Learn the fundamentals of how clay transforms into ceramic art.
Thrown on the Pottery Wheel
The clay begins its transformation from a ball of clay into a vessel by being pulled into shape on a pottery wheel.
Hand Altered
Once thrown, vessels are altered by hand into different shapes, handles and/or other elements are added to create the ultimate form of the piece.
Initial Surface Design
The vessel can then be burnished to a smooth finish or carved to add texture and other design elements that will be featured in the final piece.
Bisque Fired
Vessels are then pre-fired in an electric kiln to make them resistant to damage from handling and absorbent for glazing and other decorating processes.
Colorants, glazes and other surface design techniques are used to decorate the interior and surface of the vessel in preparation for its final firing.
Whether in an electric, gas or wood kiln, the final firing provides unique opportunities for heat to harden and transform clay into ceramic art.

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